BCE Procedures

D001 Job Descriptions | D002 Code of Practice | D003 Quality Dimension | D004 Accountability Framework | D005 Rationale Behind Quality Management | D006a Accreditation Handbook Framework | D006b BCE Operational Approach to Centre Accreditation | D007a Management Handbook Framework | D007b BCE Office Procedures | D008 Efficiency and Effectiveness | D009a Policy Plan | D009b Policy Review Plan | D009c Capital Adequacy Plan | D010a Marketing Plan/Strategy | D010b Financial Plan | D010c Audit Plan | D011a IT Strategy | D011b Information System Evaluation | D012 BCE Governance Constitution | D013a Internal Operations/Processes | D013b BCE Procurement Process | D014 BCE General Conditions of Recognition Checklist | D015ab BCE Operational Management | D015c BCE Internal Control Management | D015de BCE programme Development Principles | D015fg BCE Assessment Management Principles | D015h BCE Evaluation Report |

QD001 Statement of Equity | QD002 Syllabus Development Process | QD003 Principles for Assessment Guidelines | QD004 programme & Performance Standards Criteria | QD005 BCE Standards | QD006 Aggregation of programme Results | QD007 programme Strategy | QD008 Assessment Strategy |

CP001 Centre Complaints Management | CP002 Learning Resources & Learning Environment | CP003 Teaching & Learning Strategy | CP004 Supporting Robust and Fair Assessment | CP005 BCE Assessment Procedures | CP006 BCE Approved Centre Management Principles

BCE Procedures

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Performance Management Standards

Job Descriptions Written statements for BCE duties, responsibilities and roles for BCE personnel Code of Practice The recognition that the quality of BCE assessment, together with the integrity of candidates’ results, is dependent on a partnership between the BCE and Centres.

Quality Dimension Quality dimensions used to improve BCE internal business systems and processes. Accountability Framework Comprehensive communication tool used to capture the essential information for BCE centres and stakeholders

Rationale Behind Quality Management Statements regarding the minimum standards or requirements that are necessary to support and enhance quality programmes. Accreditation Handbook Framework Handbook for BCE Centres which outline BCE awards, centre approval process, assessment information, quality assurance and standards, exam regulations, information on how to navigate BCE website, policies and important centre assessment and management forms.

BCE Operational Approach to Centre Accreditation Document used during Centre Induction training which outlines the process BCE grants Centre approval to operate or engage in BCE programmes. Management Handbook Framework BCE internal document which outlines Mission and Vision statements, strategic plan, corporate governance, code of practice and BCE policy framework.

BCE Office Procedures Document which provides a standard working tool outlining routine daily management and technical activities. Efficience & Effectiveness Document outlining how efficiency and effectiveness can both improve speed, on-time delivery, and various other process baselines.

BCE Policy Plan BCE Planning Policy serves as a think tank undertaking broad analytical functional issues, identifying BCE Policy Review Plan Document specifying BCE policies issued, those to be reviewed or under development.

BCE Capital Adequacy Plan A document which helps BCE plan for sufficient capital to protect from balance sheet risks. BCE Marketing Plan Document which details future business plans, customers, plans to enter the market,

BCE Financial Plan Document which consists of a 12-month profit and loss projection to constitute a reasonable estimate BCE Audit Plan Document which sets out the areas of focus for the financial audit and proposed performance audit programmes,

BCE IT Strategy Document which provides a framework to guide information systems and technological strategic BCE Information System Evaluation Document which examines criteria for what characterises a good information system to

BCE Governance Constitution Document which outlines how BCE operates, the procedures that are followed; including how decisions are made; for efficiency, transparency and accountability purposes. BCE Internal Process Management needs to identify operational indicators that can help them determine the overall health of the processes.

BCE Procurement Process Document which outlines the process of buying goods or services from external suppliers. BCE General Conditions of Recognition Checklist The Conditions of Recognition specify the requirements BCE needs to fulfil in order to comply with regulatory requirements.

Operational Management & Evaluation Workpapers

BCE Operational Management BCE management needs to identify operational indicators that can help them determine the overall health of the processes. BCE Internal Control Management The Conditions of Recognition specify the requirements BCE needs to fulfil in order to comply with regulatory requirements.

BCE programme Development Principles BCE management needs to identify operational indicators that can help them determine the overall health of the processes. BCE Assessment Management Principles The Conditions of Recognition specify the requirements BCE needs to fulfil in order to comply with regulatory requirements.

BCE Report of Evaluation BCE management needs to identify operational indicators that can help them determine the overall health of the processes.

BCE programmes Development & Assessment Management Documents

Statement of Equity BCE documents which provide guidelines to writers/designers of syllabus, support and assessment materials. Syllabus Development Process BCE syllabus development process opportunities for consultation achievable timelines for: syllabus review, drafting development, syllabus development and implementation phases.

Principles for Examinations & Assessment A set of guiding principles developed to assist BCE syllabus writers in developing appropriate assessment guidelines and examination specifications. programme & Performance Specification Criteria BCE document specification intended to provide programme and performance criteria requirements for BCE Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma programmes.

BCE Standards BCE document used for key purposes, including to: assist candidates learning; provide information on candidate learning and progress in a course in relation to the curriculum outcomes. Aggregation of programme Results BCE document specifying Rules of Combination, grading system, exemption and other important assessment information.

BCE programme Strategy This document outlines the programmes needed in ICT, Business and Hospitality and the differences they make to learners. The programme strategy (i) help employers understand what standards, learning opportunities and programmes BCE Assessment Strategy BCE Assessment strategy outlines the importance of (i) reliability (that the assessment task can be applied consistently to all learners undertaking assessments and that different markers will reach the same conclusions about the performance of a

Centre Procedures

Centre Complaints Management Advice on how centres can manage learners complaints. Learning Resources & Learning Environment Centre advice on improving quality learning environment

Teaching & Learning Strategy Advice on centre strategy with regards to teaching and learning principles and specifications. Supporting Robust and Fair Assessment Centre declaration on supportive, guidance and malpractice training to centre staff and assessment supervision.

BCE Assessment Procedures Outlines important consistent assessment procedures paramount to all centers to be applied across all programmes. BCE Approved Centre Management Principles Documents which outlines BCE Approved Centres’ compliance to both Regulatory Arrangements for the programmes and Credit Framework and BCE requirements for assessment.